What I am up to

Sunday 13 September 2009

Update Sunday 13th Sept

I do apologise for the long gapbut I'm near exaustion after these eight months of watch waiting, the last month has been particlarly distress especiallying since Jo's personality changes - the anger and rejection are the hardest things which are continually directed at me are particularly very difficult to understand. all the theories by the nurses and doctors do nothing to take away the pain I feel every day at being told to go away is unimaginable.

Jo was administered the last Rites on Thursday she was awake and she did her best to participate. and now she has been moved to a room on her on her own - so that her temper tantrums directed at the Doctor and nurses didn't upset the the patience.

I asked the doctor what her best guess was and she said weeks not days, that was 3 weeks ago. the longer she lasts the more pain she suffers and the more agitated she gets. I've given up predicting, I just pray that the end comes sooner than later to give her a happy release. she has been suffering to long. if you go to visit just go in and go right to the end of the Hospice she is in a room behind the ward clerk's desk.

If when you have paid a visit you can post a guest blog it will update and give a different slant on the situation thus making it easier for me.

1 comment:

  1. Bernie and Jamie you have both given your love, time and attention to Jo throughout this ordeal. neither of you has anything to reproach yourselves about. I am sure that all of us, in our own ways, are thinking of you and keeping you in our prayers.
    when the end comes, as it must, you should remember all the good times you had and remember Jo, as i am sure we all will, with love and respect.
    God bless

