The last week has seen some baffling changes to Jo's condition, early last week she was critical and giving cause for considerable concern. But by the end of the week her symptoms had markedly improved, she was stringing longer sentences together and she got out of bed for on a couple occasions just to sit down stairs and share conversation with visitors.
She even managed to go down the road for visit a distance of 75 yds being pushed in her wheel chair. the only thing that went wrong occurred on Saturday:she had been suffering a bad water infection that became very bad so much so that we had to call the out of hours doctors service.
Her catheter had blocked an couldn't pass water for 5/6 ours she was in excruciating pain.after numerous phone calls to the District nurse at 6:40pm, some 3 hours later, and after she had changed the catheter the pain eased and she started to improve.
after a comfortable night , Jo is in pain again, we think a change in the antibiotics will improve things, that's considered opinion of the District Nurse who came in this morning, we have a district nurse every morning..
The GP who came to see her is surprised that her condition had improved, he may even talk to the oncologist to see if another ct scan reveals a change in the Tumor which is giving signs of shrinking, though seems great news for Jo the slight improvement in her condition is still not enough to change her quality of life very much, the prospect of being in this condition for months fills her with trepidation, she has now had enough and would like dignified exit.
Her next goal is to be able to go to the Beer & Bluegrass concert next Sunday the 12th to meet up with friends and enjoy the music and good company, we still have a few tickets left if you want to come along.
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