What I am up to

Sunday, 5 April 2009

Update 5 April

Jo is now in her 5 th & final week of her Radiotherapy treatment, the last weeks treatment will be particularly arduous as the the dose will be increased to a very high level, this will cause her extreme tiredness as well as nausea.

She will become more unsteady on her feet. She will then have to wait for two months before the give her an MRI to see if the treatment has been successful and stopped the Tumor from growing.

If it is successful she may expect another 12 -18 months.

last Tuesday she got her new wig it is blond and it is really good and makes her look more like her old self. The sunny weather has been a boon allowing her to indulge one of her passinons - gardening, she says that its totally absorbing and she can briefly forget all her worries for a while.

We are looking forward to Easter and Jamie coming home for a few days. This week has been particularly busy with Peter Wilson lining & insulting the summer house to make it cooler in the summer and warmer in winter he has toiled very hard and is doing a fantastic job, it may become a comfortable place for me and the dogs.

I have to congratulate Mary Street in the grand job she has made of organising the 6 weeks lifts for Jo's daily treatment which have run very smoothly not forgeting all the drivers who have given up their time to make it happen, if we had to use hospital transport she would be comming home at 4/5 pm. and not 1130 am as she has been doing.

Some of us think that her speech has been better this week, Ii hope we are right and that it contiues to get better.

I will post another update next Tuesday.

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