What I am up to

Sunday, 15 March 2009

Latest Update - Sorry for the delay

Jo's second week of radio-therapy ended last Friday. Thanks to all the people that gave her lifts everything went very smoothly, transport wise; luckily there was no adverse weather conditions to cause any delays.

Last Tuesday she had a Consultants review for the purpose of checking out any worsening side effects, so far she has only experienced a few minor fits which are now under control with medication. She also feels very tired after her treatment, luckily she has not suffered any hair loss as yet though this is predicted by the third week. As expected the most significant side effect is loss of speech which was predicted but is difficult to come to terms with. She is unable to hold a conversation at all neither is she able to read or write which causes her great distress, we are hoping that this might improve at the end of the treatment but could get worse leaving her unable to communicate at all. She has a speech therapist who is working with her to help ease this problem.

Please bear in mind when visiting Jo you need to be aware of her worsening communication difficulties,

Jo will be receiving weekly reviews of her treatment every Tuesday. Many thanks for your continued support both for the lifts and dog walkers.

Tuesday, 3 March 2009

First Treatment

Jo had the first Radiotherapy treatments today, Peter & Sarah Wilson took us today which was at the Churchill Hospital in Oxford, we had to be there for 1030am, we left home at 0825 and arrived at 0930 we went via the old road to avoid a hold up on the M40 - there were no hold ups on this route - worth bearing in mind for the future lifts!.

She was called in at 0940; the initialappointment was a little longer as there was some paper work to complete and the positioning of the laser markers. The treatment lasted 15mins and we were back in Banbury by 1230 pm.

The treatment will last for six weeks, 5 days a week, the sideffects are severe fatigue,hairloss and nausea plus the speech loss will worsen as will the headaches and general instability.

A check will be done weekly to see if the treatment is shrinking the tumor and to check how the side effects are affecting her. for the first 3-4 weeks she is likely to feel worse, but should improve after 6 weeks.

This period is going to be a very difficult time in our lives, I don't know how she is coping with the uncertainty of it all, it is not easy to try to focus on the positives when your unsure of the outcome.

As for me the whole thing scares the shit out of me and I am very fearful of the next few months, I can only pray for the right outcome.
