What I am up to

Tuesday, 17 February 2009

Calendar Instructions

When using the Google Calendar link please note that you will have to sign in. If you do not have a Google account just type in Bernie Jennings. When you have selected your preference please e-mail Mary Street and she will coordinate.

Update from Hospital Visit (16/2/09) Mask Fitting

We went to the Churchill Hopspital for an appointment to fit a mask which is necessary when under going radiation therapy. It was not a very pleasant experience for Jo as it involved dipping the mask into hot water and waiting for it to soften and then molding it to her face (didn't make an improvement). After the making of the mask she had a CT sscan in order to establish the exact points of treatment for the tumour. Which has now grown considerably since last time. It is fair to say that Jo's speech has deteriorated considerably and I have difficulty trying to understand what she is saying complicated by the fact that she can neither read nor write at all now. We have now been given the dates and times for the treatment which commences on 3/3/09. See the link to view these dates (http://www.google.com/calendar/render), this gives access to the calender. If you're able to do any of the runs please contact Mary Street on her email address (mary.street@tiscali.co.uk). If you find you can do any other runs to the Churchill let her know. She is coordinating the rota for Jo's treatment which will last for 7 weeks.

Thursday, 12 February 2009

Update Jo

We took Jo to the Churchill Hospital in Oxford yesterday, it was an appointment to see the Oncologist the purpose was to discuss the treatment and to answer any questions.

The treatment will be radiotherapy and it will last for six weeks, she will loose some of her hair and after two weeks she will start feeling extremely tired with flu like symptoms, it will take at least another 6 weeks untill she starts to feel any improvement.

They say that there will only one go at the treatment as the brain can only take the one dose safetly.

The next appointment will be on Monday, again at the Churchill to make a head mask to hold her head still during the treatment.

Saturday, 7 February 2009

Jo in The Snow. 12.38 Sat 7 Feb

After coming out of hospital on the 22ND Feb, Jo was feeling quite good, she manages to clear out and light the fire every day, and went to Tesco's with Jo Clewley last Wednesday - can't keep her away from the place. Although she really wishes she could walk the dogs, but they are OK as they get taken out every day by members of the Dog Club that she belongs to.

Our thanks to Stephanie Gordon who runs the roster and to all the intrepid members who have braved the weather to walk the dogs every day.

However, over the last week Jo has many head aches , and her speech has got a lot worse, she has started to get two or three seizures a day which seem to get longer each time; as the Tumour continues to get bigger these symptoms will worsen, so the sooner she starts the Radiotherapy the better, (scheduled for first week of March) every week day for six weeks at the Churchill in Oxford.

Each treatment lasts for 15 mins and they will be in the Morning between 10.30 a.m. and 12p.m.if any one would be so kind as to offer lifts we would be grateful as if she has to take the hospital transport it would be a 4/5 hour experience instead of 1 hour 45 mins. As the treatment progress she will become intensely tired.

I will post a treatment plan on the blog after we've been to the meeting with the Oncologist on Tuesday, so if you can spare a day you can just put your name in the box for that day, numerous kind souls have already pledged lifts for which we are grateful.

I will update again after the meeting with the Oncologist on Tuesday. Meanwhile Jo wishes go thank everyone for their get-well & birthday cards she received last week.